About Us.

The Fallen Cycle has been and will likely remain an independent transmedia project, produced / developed by James Curcio along with a team of collaborators and publishers on a project-by-project basis.

The core team (below) have been passionately working in multi- and trans-media formats for over a decade now separately, and for many years in collaboration.

The current core:

Creator, Artist, Author, Producer

James Curcio

Writer, Artist, Producer


Chris DiSalvatore



P. E. Williams

Artist, Musician


Equanimous Rex

Writer, Podcaster

The Fallen Cycle is a work of metafiction, however, the study of philosophy, the occult, myths and esoterica have been a fundamental in developing this “modern mythos.” Some of our non-fiction reflections on the same themes can be read on James’ group blog, Modern Mythology.